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My 2020 Reading List

I have been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. I read my first 'proper' novel, Sidney Sheldon's Master of the Game, at age 7. However, as time passed, life happened and my reading count dropped drastically (asides recommended texts in Uni and scientific articles of course).

Late 2019, seeing as I was about to complete my PhD, I decided to be more intentional about reading books. I also decided to significantly expand my scope beyond fiction.

Q1 2020 over, I am proud of the progress I have made so far. Not yet where I want to be but hey, baby steps. Below, I have included a list of books I have read and some key things that stood for me. I'll update the list as I go.

I hope this inspires you to get your reading hat (or glasses) on!

Have you read any of the books on my list? What key things stood out for you?

Reading List


Current read. I'll let you know my thoughts when I am through.


I found reading this book very emotional because of the underlying currents of war, child marriage, domestic violence and dysfunctional family relationships. There's so much suffering going on in the world. Nevertheless, the book ended on a somewhat happy note.

Definitely recommend this book. Gripping storyline and masterful storytelling.


I found this book very easy to read and actually finished reading it in about 6 hours. Key highlights were the importance of keeping a prayer journal and learning how to pray using the ACTS technique (ACTS stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication).

If you are looking for how to improve your prayer routine, this book is your plug.


One of my resolutions this year was to improve my financial literacy. This book shared useful tips about having the right money mindset and investing.


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